
Completed in just a week, three We Heal As One Centers in Metro Manila are now ready to accommodate Covid-positive patients to reduce the community spread and help decongest hospitals.


An inspection in one of these centers was held Monday, April 13, at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium in Rizal Memorial Complex. The inspection was led by Senator Christopher “Bong” Go, House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano, National Task Force COVID-19 chief implementer and Presidential Peace Adviser Secretary Carlito Galvez, Jr., Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff General Felimon Santos, Jr., Health Secretary Francisco Duque III, Presidential Adviser for Flagship Programs and Projects and Bases Conversion and Development Authority President and CEO Vince Dizon, Manila City Mayor Francisco “Isko” Moreno and Public Works and Highways Undersecretary Emil Sadain.


“This is a special place for us. We won a lot of gold medals here throughout the years. Just late last year, we were shouting here 'We win as one.' Today, we ask you to pray as one, and lahat ng papasok dito, to heal as one,” House Speaker Cayetano said during the inspection.


Senator Go donated essential supplies and toiletries that will be useful for the AFP Medical Corps who will man the quarantine facility at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium.


The 112-bed stadium will accept Covid-positive patients with mild symptoms and those who are asymptomatic. The other quarantine centers that are ready are the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) Forum Halls and the World Trade Center. All centers have air-conditioned cubicles, free food for the patients and frontliners, free internet connection, and 24/7 health care by the medical staff.