Small Value Procurement (SVP)
Request for Quotation

Date : 4 March 2025

PR #: PR0001162

Please quote your lowest price(s) using this form, or your letterhead. Also, take note of the following details:

1) Quotation/s shall be addressed to the Head of Procurement Division. Please indicate Solicitation or Reference No.

2) Send the said quotation/s to BCDA or fax the same at no. 8575-1785 not later than 11 March 2025.

3) Quotation/s submitted after the set deadline indicated in item no. 2 shall not be accepted/considered.

4) The quotation/proposal shall be properly signed by the authorized representative and/or the immediate supervisor.


BCDA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the quotations, or waive formally therein, or to accept quotation/s as may be considered most advantageous to the govt., or to pursue appropriate legal action should the winning bidder refuse to accept the award without justifiable reason/s


1.) 1 PIECE AIR FILTER, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P2,000.00/pc

2.) 1 PIECE CABIN FILTER-AIRCON, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P2,000.00/pc.

3.) 2 PIECE RACK END LEFT/RIGHT Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P4,000.00/pc

4.) 2 PIECE TIE ROD END- LEFT AND RIGHT, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P5,000.00/pc

5.) 2 PIECE SHOCK ABSORBER - FRONT, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P6,500.00/ pc

6.) 2 PIECE SHOCK MOUNTING, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P6,000.00/ pc

7.) 2 PIECE SHOCK ABSORBER - REAR, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P6,500.00/pc

8.) 1 SET PLATE LIGHT BULB, Peanut Bulb, 12 volts ABC P2,000.00/box

9.) 2 PIECE LOWER SUSPENSION BALL JOINT, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P3,000.00/pc

10.) 2 PIECE BALL JOINT FRONT UPPER, Toyota Original, Engine # 1GD0972432, Chassis # PA2JA8EM1M0091829, Toyota Innova 2.8 (2019 model) ABC P3,000.00/pc




Suppliers are required to submit the following Documentary Requirements upon submission of quotation:

1) Valid Mayor's/Business Permit

2) PhilGEPS Registration No.

3) Notarized Omnibus Sworn Statement and Proof of Authorization (e.g., Secretary’s Certificate, Board/Partnership Resolution, or Special Power of Attorney, whichever is applicable)

4) Business/Income Tax Return (If the ABC is above 500k) 5) BIR Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303)



A) Unnotarized Omnibus Sworn Statement (OSS) is acceptable upon submission of quotation. However, the winning bidder/supplier must submit the duly notarized Omnibus Sworn Statement (OSS) and Proof of Authorization within 5 working days upon notification of the Notice of Award. Noncompliance on the timely submission of OSS is a ground for disqualification.

B) Suppliers who have previously submitted the above documentary requirements may no longer require its re-submission except for the Omnibus Sworn Statement.


Delivery Address: 31st St. Cor. 2nd Avenue, 2/F Bonifacio Technology Center, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig.


Terms and conditions:

Price : (Inclusive of all applicable taxes)

Payment : 30 days

Delivery : 20 days

Validity of price : one month

Warranty : n/a