Small Value Procurement (SVP)
Request for Quotation

Date: January 15, 2025

PR #:  PR0000996


Please quote your lowest price(s) using this form, or your letterhead. Also, take note of the following details:

1) Quotation/s shall be addressed to the Head of Procurement Division. Please indicate Solicitation or Reference No.

2) Send the said quotation/s to BCDA or fax the same at no. 8575-1785 not later than January 20, 2025.

3) Quotation/s submitted after the set deadline indicated in item no. 2 shall not be accepted/considered.

4) The quotation/proposal shall be properly signed by the authorized representative and/or immediate supervisor.



BCDA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the quotations, or waive formally therein, or to accept quotation/s as may be considered most advantageous to the gov't., or to pursue appropriate legal action should the winning bidder refuse to accept the award without justifiable reason/s.


1.) 180 ITEMS - CARPET TILES (50cm x 50cm, color and design must be similar or alike to the existing carpet tile) ABC per piece is PHP 280.00

2.) 2 PIECES - ADHESIVE (For vinyl tile, 4kg) ABC per piece is PHP 750


TOTAL ABC IS PHP 51,900.00


Terms and conditions:

Price: Inclusive of all applicable taxes 

Payment: 30 Calendar days

Delivery:  15 Calendar days

Validity of price: one (1) month

Warranty: n/a


Suppliers are required to submit the following Documentary Requirements upon submission of quotation:

1) Valid Mayor's/Business Permit
2) PhilGEPS Registration No.
3) Business/Income Tax Return (If the ABC is above 500k)
4) BIR Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303)
5) Notarized Omnibus Sworn Statement

Delivery Address: 31st St. Cor. 2nd Avenue, 2/F Bonifacio Technology Center, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig.

Look for Mr. Glizer Iris V. Lovendino at tel. no. 575-1784/1784 or 092728292016