Small Value Procurement (SVP)
Request for Quotation
Philgeps Solicitation Number:  BCDA-SCRP2025-03
Reference No:  11809625
ABC :  Php360,000
Please quote your best price(s) using this RFQ form, and/or your letterhead. Also, take note of the following details:
1) Quotation/s shall be addressed to the Head of Admin Group. Please indicate Solicitation or Reference No.
2) Send the said quotation/s to BCDA or email the same to cbferreras@scrp.bcda.gov.ph on or before 06 March 2025,5PM
3) Quotation/s submitted after the set deadline indicated in item no. 2 shall not be accepted/considered.
4) The quotation/proposal shall be properly signed by the authorized representative and/or immediate supervisor.
The Contract shall then be awarded to the supplier with the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid (LCRB) during the evaluation procedure.
BCDA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the quotations, or waive formally therein, or to accept quotation as may be considered most advantageous to the government., or to pursue appropriate legal action should the winning bidder refuse to accept the award without justifiable reason/s.
Other Information
Please submit or email the quotation together with the following:
1. Mayor’s Permit UPDATED/VALID
2. BIR Form 2303 (for new suppliers)
3. Omnibus Sworn Statement (UNnotarized is accepted; Note: to be notarized prior to payment)
4. Secretary's Certificate
5. PhilGEPS Registration number or certificate
Price: inclusive of all applicable taxes and fees.
Taxes (for VAT): 5% EVAT; 1% EWT
for Non-VAT: 3% EVAT, 1% EWT
Delivery area: Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga
Contact Person: Christina B. Ferreras
Celno:  09655061244