BCDA welcomes Senate bill on charter amendment

The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) welcomes the filing of Senate Bill No. 2647, a...

BCDA partners with Maharlika to explore investments within its

The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) and the Maharlika Investment Corporation (MIC)...

BCDA remits P1.1B in dividends to national gov’t

The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) has remitted Php1.1 billion in dividends to...

3 BCDA projects endorsed for Luzon Economic Corridor

The Subic-Clark Railway Project (SCRP), expansion of the Clark International Airport, and the Clark...

Sec. Go: SC decision on BCDA-CJHDevCo ‘to unleash full potential’ of

Special Assistant to the President for Investment and Economic Affairs Secretary Frederick D. Go...